A report by the conservation sub-committee of the Wildlife Association of South India.
WASI submitted a report to the Karnataka Forest Dept. and the Fisheries Dept. after the fieldwork done at Galibore in 2015. This was followed up by a presentation to the PCCF and his team, where WASI‘s office bearers and Dr. AJT Jonsingh were present. The study kicked off the search for the “Humpback Mahseer” and the effort to identify it as an endemic species to the Cauvery River ecosystem.
The team that spearheaded this study included Naren Sreenivasan, Sandeep Chakrabarti, Dr. A.J.T. Johnsingh, The Mahseer Trust, Dr. Rajeev Raghavan, Neethi Mahesh, Derek D’souza, the Karnataka Forest Department, The Karnataka Fisheries Department and WASI volunteers that were part of this project.
Please click the link below to read the detailed report.