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Chasing Mahseer Dreams, By Haider Ashraf

A Personal Quest into India’s Fishing Paradise After decades of waiting, I finally got to experience the fishing I always wanted, castingcontinuously on the river for hours and hours, unaware whether the fish was in the moodfor a snack. Last October, I went to Marchula, a village on the outskirts of CorbettNational Park. My dad

The Golden Current

The Everlasting Pursuit of the Mighty Mahseer. By Haider Ashraf. I stalk from rock to rock, pool to pool. Attempting to move slower with every step. I fear the Mahseer gliding out of the bottomless kund, envisioning its aquatic habitat. As I delicately roll my leg from one gravel bed onto another, unknowingly of its

Community Led Conservation

The WASI example is highlighted in this article which suggests that a new approach towards the management of wild areas needs to be considered for India. One where local communities are made central to conservation. Read Source Article

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Fishing For Change

An interesting article shared by Ryan Lobo … about how sustainable commercial fishing can also help protect a species. Counter intuitive.. But true! Read Source Article

Large scale devastation of local ecosystems by voracious alien species is becoming obvious only of late. Often by the time the problem is identified, it is already too late. A case in point is the highly invasive African Catfish that was introduced into Indian waters as an easy growing food source, and has now wiped

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As the Wild Mango Tree Saw It

Shishir Rao writes about how small hydel projects affect not only the aquatic life, but the entire ecosystem, as well as the humans that live in the landscape..