Large scale devastation of local ecosystems by voracious alien species is becoming obvious only of late. Often by the time the problem is identified, it is already too late. A case in point is the highly invasive African Catfish that was introduced into Indian waters as an easy growing food source, and has now wiped

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As the Wild Mango Tree Saw It

Shishir Rao writes about how small hydel projects affect not only the aquatic life, but the entire ecosystem, as well as the humans that live in the landscape..

Hooked! Angling for Conservation

An interesting article by Naren Sreenivasan, that appeared in the online portal, The Bastion…  It makes a powerful case for the link between angling and conservation… Do read and share widely.…/hooked-angling-for-conservation

Why does a fish matter?

Article in the Deccan Herald by Sandeep Menon on the importance of Mahseer conservation and how it functions as an important marker for the health of the Cauvery River ecosystem as a whole.

A lovely article by Sandeep Chakrabarti .. Celebrating the early work done by WASI on the Cauvery River